Ijo Temple, a Majestic and Exotic Buddhist Temple in Jogja

Ijo Temple, a Majestic and Exotic Buddhist Temple in Jogja

Nestled amidst the lush greenery and rugged terrain of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, lies a hidden treasure of cultural and historical significance – the majestic Ijo Temple. Perched atop a hill, this ancient Buddhist temple stands as a testament to Indonesia’s rich heritage and spiritual legacy.

Unveiling the History

Ijo Temple, also known as Candi Ijo, dates back to the 10th century during the Mataram Kingdom era. Built during the reign of Rakai Walaing Pu Kumbhayoni, it served as a place of worship and meditation for Buddhist monks and the royal family.

The temple’s name “Ijo” is derived from the Javanese word for “green,” owing to the verdant surroundings that envelop it.

Architectural Marvel

What sets Ijo Temple apart is its unique architectural style, blending elements of Hindu and Buddhist design. Carved out of volcanic stone, the temple complex comprises several structures, including main shrines, smaller stupas, and intricate relief panels.

The temple’s layout reflects the mandala concept, symbolizing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist cosmology.

The main temple features a towering central stupa, adorned with ornate carvings depicting scenes from Buddhist cosmology and Javanese mythology. Surrounding the central stupa are smaller stupas and pavilions, each showcasing exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Visitors are captivated by the intricate relief panels depicting tales of gods, goddesses, and celestial beings, offering a glimpse into ancient Javanese beliefs and traditions.

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Spiritual Significance

Ijo Temple holds profound spiritual significance for Buddhists and locals alike. Believed to be a sacred site imbued with mystical energy, the temple attracts pilgrims and worshippers seeking blessings, enlightenment, and spiritual solace.

Visitors often partake in rituals such as prayers, meditation, and offerings, immersing themselves in the serene ambiance and divine presence of the temple grounds.

Spectacular Sunset Views

One of the highlights of visiting Ijo Temple is witnessing the breathtaking sunset from its elevated vantage point. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the landscape, the temple’s ancient stones seem to come alive with a warm, ethereal glow.

The panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, with Mount Merapi looming in the distance, create a mesmerizing backdrop for a truly unforgettable experience.

Conservation Efforts and Tourism

Despite its cultural significance, Ijo Temple remained relatively unknown to the wider world until recent years. Thanks to conservation efforts and increased tourism promotion, the temple has gained recognition as a must-visit destination in Yogyakarta.

Local authorities have implemented measures to preserve and protect the site, ensuring its legacy endures for future generations to appreciate.

Visitor Experience

Visitors to Ijo Temple can embark on a spiritual and cultural journey, exploring its ancient ruins, admiring the architectural marvels, and soaking in the tranquil atmosphere. Guided tours provide insights into the temple’s history, symbolism, and religious practices, enriching the visitor experience.

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Additionally, cultural performances and traditional ceremonies are often held at the temple, offering visitors a glimpse into Javanese art, music, and dance.


In the heart of Yogyakarta lies a hidden gem of unparalleled beauty and historical significance – Ijo Temple. From its ancient origins to its stunning architecture and spiritual allure, the temple beckons travelers to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment.

Whether seeking solace in its sacred surroundings or marveling at its architectural splendor, a visit to Sonobudoyo Museum is sure to leave an indelible impression on all who tread its hallowed grounds.